This article outlines the code that we, as professionals are required to practice and adhrere to.
Who does it apply to?
Like all professionals, Accountants are required to adhere to ethics.
These form the foundation and guidelines of how we operate and conduct business.
Our Code of Ethics applies to all our staff and organisations.
As members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales, we also conform to their code of ethics.
This applies to all of the following in all of their professional and business activities, whether remunerated or voluntary:
employees of member firms and, where applicable,
member firms.
Why are Ethics Important?
Accounting ethics are important because a business relies on the reported financial status to make its business decisions.
A business must have accurate reports and know that the business has sufficient funds to continue to operate and be able to pay rent and other bills, pay employees, and to continue producing products and/or offering services.