Corporate Directors

Company directors are often employees but, often, they are not. Their employment status depends entirely on individual circumstances. By default, directors are known as ‘office holders’ (along with company secretaries). 


Can a non-employee be a director? 

Company directors are often employees but, often, they are not. Their employment status depends entirely on individual circumstances. By default, directors are known as ‘office holders’ (along with company secretaries). 

Can anyone be called a director? 

Many companies choose to give their senior employees or long-serving employees the title of “Director” even though they are not registered company directors for the purposes of the Companies Act 2006. 

Is the director of a company the owner? 

There is some confusion between being the owner of a business and being a director. Shareholders and directors hold two very different roles in a company. Shareholders own the company by owning its shares and are […]