30.09.2019 1 General Details & Setup Have you provided Avar with the required information form the 6th April 2018 to 5th April 2019?YesNo Was this completed by yourself or a nominated representative?MyselfNominated Representative I acknowledge that the Self-Assessment Tax Return has been completed and the required information supplied.EmailTelegramVoicemailAudio Messaging ServiceTelephone I acknowledge reciept of the completed Self-Assessment Tax Return, workings and any supplomentary pages and attachments.YesNo I have reviewed, understood and can confirm that all the above is in line with the information supplied.AgreeDisagree To the best of my knowlegde and belief, the information provided is complete and correct.AgreeDisagree I understand and accept the liability/refund and the settlement deadlines.AgreeDisagree I Approve and Authorise Avar to file online this Self-Assessment Tax ReturnAuthorise and ApproveDo not Approve I will be notified within 7 working days of its filing with HM Revenue & CustomsUnderstoodNot Understood I am aware that this return can be amended by me within 12 months, without incurring penaltiesYesNo I am aware that an incorrect return is liable to financial penalties and it is my responsibility if false information is provided.YesNo Submit Form keyboard_arrow_leftPrevious Nextkeyboard_arrow_right