Over the last 5 years, various noises have been made of possible retirement for Ash, as a result of a possible merger or transfer of the business as a going concern.
It could possibly take as long as another 5 years, or more, to establish a path for Avar whilst the existing clients are continued to be serviced.
In anticipation of this, and for a possible suitor of merging with Avar, it is necessary to put in place, a formal commercial structure to ensure that all clients are continued to be serviced on the same basis.
As a result, all fee structures for the last three years will be standardised and put in place for continuation into the future.
This will require a formal dialogue to take place with every client, whilst at the same time it will be made clear to our Professional Indemnity insurers and Tax Investigation Protection Scheme and to ensure that all standards are adhered to legally and as required by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales.
This does not mean that a payment is required, nor any demands will be made.
The main objective is to protect clients’ interests in the future.